Online resources

Online resources

The Spinoza Research Network on Facebook: join the Facebook group for discussion and links to non-academic Spinoza podcasts, books, and more

The Spinoza Web

*A very rich resource for Spinoza’s biography, texts, and connections to people and places. Launched on 27 November 2016 by a research team based out of Utrecht University’s Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. ‘The Spinoza Web’ is an open-access website that seeks to make Spinoza’s life, thought, and networks accessible to a wide range of users from interested novices to advanced scholars. The beta release notably features a ‘Timeline Experience’, which tells the story of Spinoza using rich graphic and other supporting material. The ‘Database Search’ is a gateway to an enormous repository for the study of Spinoza. The goal is eventually to assemble all first-hand documentation pertaining to the philosopher for the use of the worldwide scholarly community.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Spinoza (by Steven Nadler)

Spinoza Bibliography Online Network

* More than 7000 entries of works on and by Spinoza – including monographs, articles, and reviews – in multiple languages. The editors of the site welcome your contributions to achieve comprehensive documentation of Spinoza research, both past and present, worldwide. Visit the site to browse titles and add new bibliographical entries.

Necessarily Eternal: A Catablog of (All) things Spinoza

* Very useful interactive site, featuring information about new publications, reviews, online sources, scholars, and events.

Studia Spinoziana

* Online texts, indices, and resources for 17th and 18th century studies.

Spinoza’s texts in Latin

Spinoza’s Ethics in Latin with comparative translations in multiple languages


* Web resource for education and research

Spinoza on Twitter:  @BenedictSpinoza

Spinoza in the Media

Margaret Jacob’s Review of Jonathan Israel’s A Revolution of the Mind, in London Review of Books

Steven Nadler, Susan James, and Beth Lord discuss Spinoza on Ideas on Canada’s CBC Radio One

Interview with Spinoza scholar Ursula Renz in 3am magazine

Interview with Beth Lord: “An Atheist God: the Paradox of Spinoza” on The Philosophers’ Zone on Australia’s ABC Radio National

Radio Programme on “the other Spinoza” (en Francais) on France Culture, Radio France

The Essay: 5 episodes on Spinoza on BBC Radio 3 (no longer available to download)

International Spinoza Societies

Association des Amis de Spinoza (France)

Groupe de Recherches Spinozistes (France)

Vereniging Het Spinozahuis (The Netherlands)

Spinoza Kyokai (Japan)

North American Spinoza Society

Spinoza-Gesellschaft (Germany)

Foglio Spinoziano (Italy)

Seminario Spinoza (Spain)

Benedictus de Spinoza (Brazil) and Journal Revista Conatus (content in Portuguese)


  1. Hello,
    My name is Shea Robison. I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for East Asian and Comparative Philosophy (CEACOP) at the City University of Hong Kong. With support from the John Templeton Foundation, CEACOP has recently the Oneness Project, about the concept of Oneness in the East and the West. A number of international conferences have already been held, with another scheduled for May 2016.

    As part of this project I have recently started a site similar to this one at We are looking for contributions from people working on Oneness-related ideas, so I am reaching out to the Spinoza Research Network to invite anyone who might be interested to take a look. I am currently working on a project of my own involving Spinoza, the emerging science of epigenetics, and the concept of Oneness (, so I know how well Spinozist thought coincides with the concept of Oneness, and I am excited at the opportunity to connect with an ongoing community of Spinoza scholars.

    As you can see from the site, though, we are interested in contributions from across the spectrum of fields, from political theory to psychology to the life sciences and public policy. If you are working on any ideas in any of these areas and are interested in connecting with an emerging community of scholars, please visit the site and get in touch with me.

    Thank you

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