
Special issue on Spinoza and Art

A special issue of Intellectual History Review, edited by Moira Gatens and Anthony Uhlmann, on Spinoza and Art has just been published online.

The full special issue can be accessed here (institutional login required). The editors’ Preface is open access and can be accessed here.

Intellectual History Review, Vol. 30 Issue 3 (2020): Spinoza and Art

Moira Gatens and Anthony Uhlmann: Preface to the special issue

Joe Hughes: The greatest deception: fiction, falsity, and manifestation in Spinoza’s Metaphysical Thoughts

Jonathan Israel: Spinoza, Radical Enlightenment, and the general reform of the arts in the later Dutch Golden Age

Warren Montag: Spinoza’s counter-aesthetics

Anthony Uhlmann and Moira Gatens: Spinoza on art and the cultivation of a disposition toward joyful living

Sara Hornak: Intersections between philosophy and art: expressions of immanence in the seventeenth century: Spinoza and Vermeer

Amy Cimini: We don’t know that we don’t know what a body can do…, or Spinoza and some social lives of sonic material

Beth Lord: Spinoza and architectural thinking

Susan Ruddick: Against a fatal confusion: Spinoza, climate crisis, and the weave of the world




Special issue on Arendt and Spinoza

New special issue on the role of the exemplar in Arendt and Spinoza in Ethics and Education

Title: “The Role of the Exemplar in Arendt and Spinoza: Insights for Moral Exemplarism and Moral Education”

Guest editors: Johan Dahlbeck and Morten Timmermann Korsgaard

Table of contents:

Introduction: the role of the exemplar in Arendt and Spinoza: insights for moral exemplarism and moral education – Johan Dahlbeck & Morten Timmermann Korsgaard

Paths to flourishing: ancient models of the exemplary life – Maria Silvia Vaccarezza

Politics as a model of pedagogy in Spinoza – Justin Steinberg

Arendt’s Krisis – Steven DeCaroli

Moral exemplars in education: a liberal account – Michel Croce

Singularity, similarity, and exemplarity in Spinoza’s philosophy – Moira Gatens

Between horror and boredom: fairy tales and moral education – David Lewin

Spinoza’s Ethics of ratio: discovering and applying a spinozan model of human nature – Heidi M. Ravven

Visiting exemplars: An Arendtian exploration of educational judgement – Morten Timmermann Korsgaard

The moral fallibility of Spinoza’s exemplars: exploring the educational value of imperfect models of human behavior – Johan Dahlbeck & Moa De Lucia Dahlbeck


CFP: Journal special issue on “Spinoza today”

The editorial committee of the Italian philosophical Journal INCIRCOLO – RIVISTA DI FILOSOFIA E CULTURE ( kindly invites authors to submit their papers to the upcoming issue 8/2019, which will be dedicated to:



Our times seem to owe much to Spinoza’s thought. Several traces of such debt can be found in the contemporary philosophical debate, where words, concepts and objects typical of Spinoza’s philosophy are constantly reused and further examined. The well-known sentence by Bergson, according to which every philosopher has in truth two systems, her own and that of Spinoza, may shed an interesting light on the current philosophical debate indeed. This is why we propose to reflect on “Spinoza today”.

If it is possible to depict Spinoza’s thought as a sphinx sitting at the entrance of the main road that led to modernity, its critical reprise on the threshold of a new modernity which has to face profound and disquieting technological, environmental, social and political issues requires to be deeply analysed.

Authors interested in presenting a contribution to this issue may discuss, among others, the following questions:

–   may a critical reprise of the Spinozian approach help contemporary philosophy to overcome the general disorientation deriving from nihilistic positions, relativistic views and the feeble suggestions of so-called post-modernism?

–   How the several versions of immanentism recently elaborated can be fruitfully confronted with the classical position of Spinozism?

–   Is there, in the current philosophical scenario, a particular approach that may be considered the rightful heir of Spinozism? Is contemporary materialism a suitable candidate for this title or does it fail to meet the necessary requirements, so that it needs to be adequately integrated, perhaps with elements that belong to this same philosophical tradition?

–   May contemporary political philosophy benefit from an approach that strives to balance the respect of individual freedom and the necessary constraints of political institutions, as Spinoza suggested?

–   From the perspective of philosophy of history, may Spinoza’s rational understanding of historical events as rings of a chain held together by necessary joints represent a valuable and still insightful position?


Contributions should not exceed the maximum length of 9000 WORDS (references, notes, 250-words abstract and 4-5 keywords included) and should be written in ENGLISH or ITALIAN. All submissions will undergo blind peer-review.

Please send your paper by e-mail to


Fabio Fossa, Ph.D.

Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell’Educazione Università di Torino

Dipartimento di Informatica

Università di Pisa

Thinking with Spinoza about education

2018 Special Issue of the journal Educational Philosophy and Theory, 5(9)

This international collection of articles tracks some of the significant implications of Spinozist philosophy for current education policy and practice. Authors dig deep into Spinozan texts and ideas, covering a range of topics pertaining to the ethico-political project of pedagogy and learning. Edited by Elizabeth de Freitas, Sam Sellar and Lars Bang Jensen (Manchester Metropolitan University), this special issue promises to open up further discussion in Spinoza Studies.


CFP: Thinking with Spinoza about Education

Special issue of the journal Educational Philosophy and Theory: Thinking with Spinoza about Education: a new materialist ethics.

This special issue will take up recent reworkings of Spinoza’s (1632-1677) Ethics to address the turn to materialism and the non-human in research on teaching and learning. Spinoza has recently come into focus in the social sciences through the insightful reworking of his ideas by scholars such as Gilles Deleuze, Etienne Balibar, Antonio Negri and feminist scholars such as Jane Bennett, Rosi Braidotti, Elizabeth Grosz, Claire Colebrook and Catherine Malabou. These scholars plug into Spinoza’s ideas in order to propose a more than human ethics, and they thereby set the stage for new directions in the philosophy of teaching and learning.

Papers are invited that cover a range of relevant concerns, responding to shifts in education research as it takes up new technics, including but not limited to the proliferation of new forms of data saturation, global reform movements, new forms of corporate and managerial governance, pharmaceutical and neurological interventions, and the use of smart software and machine learning. The thread amongst the manuscripts will be the ideas of Spinoza that are put to work on these various problems.

A call for papers is open until March 15. For full details, see here.

For further information, contact Lars Bang Jensen <>

CFP: Journal of Early Modern Studies


The Editors of the Journal of Early Modern Studies are pleased to announce a call for papers for the Spring 2016 general (non-thematic) issue of JEMS. Submissions of articles and reviews, in English and French, falling within the general scope of JEMS are welcome. JEMS is an interdisciplinary, blind double peer-reviewed journal of intellectual history, dedicated to the exploration of the interactions between philosophy, science and religion in Early Modern Europe. It aims to respond to the growing awareness within the scholarly community of an emerging new field of research that crosses the boundaries of the traditional disciplines and goes beyond received historiographic categories and concepts.

JEMS publishes high-quality articles reporting results of research in intellectual history, history of philosophy and history of early modern science, with a special interest in cross-disciplinary approaches. It furthermore aims to bring to the attention of the scholarly community as yet unexplored topics, which testify to the multiple intellectual exchanges and interactions between Eastern and Western Europe during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It is edited by the Research Centre “Foundations of Modern Thought”, University of Bucharest, and published and distributed by Zeta Books. For further information on JEMS and its previous issues, please visit Please send your contributions no later than the 15th of November 2015 to